Policy Platform

I continue to fight for better liveability, accessibility, environmental sustainability for Sparks Ward and Whitehorse. I support a healthy, inclusive and vibrant community.

I also stand for the following:

  • Elevating governance practices – to strengthen accountability and transparency
  • Supporting rate-capping and delivering value to residents and ratepayers
  • Effective financial management, while ensuring delivery of quality services and facilities to the community
  • Protecting neighbourhoods from inappropriate development, balancing liveability and growth
  • Further protection of our trees, vegetation and open space
  • Explore opportunities to secure / convert land in Box Hill and Box Hill South for green open space, including the former Box Hill Brickworks site
  • Continue to push for improved and transparent planning and consultation in relation to major projects (across all levels of government) that will impact our area
  • Programs that support social connection and health and wellbeing across all ages
  • Supporting youth, families and the elderly
  • Recreation Masterplan for Surrey Park and Sparks Lower Precinct, and explore further amenity upgrade opportunities for Whitehorse Reserve
  • Streetscape, footpath and road improvements
  • Promoting active transport (walking, cycling etc) and review car park management in major activity centres, including Box Hill
  • Accessible community and recreational facilities and services, including libraries, aquatics and table tennis
  • Working with businesses and other stakeholders to ensure Box Hill is a welcoming, vibrant, activity hub
  • Implementation of the new Whitehorse Investment and Economic Development Strategy

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